What Are BackLinks & Its Important?
Definition : Backlinks are the links which directs to your site from external sources. These sources can be a website , forum , blogs or content keyword.
Benefits of Back Links :
- Google Ranking – Google starts giving more votes to your website if found linked to quality PR (Google Page Rank) sites with relevancy.
- Helps in getting traffics from the linked websites
There are three types of links :
1. Direct Link/ 1-Way Link– Website get a link from others but don’t give back link to them.
2. Two-Way Link – This type of link is called mutual exchange links where two websites give link to each other , provided there is relevancy i.e. they belong to same category. This is otherwise also called Reciprocal Link and the process is called Reciprocal Linking.
- 3 Way-Link – When a business starts having more websites and wants to rank these new websites quickly without any link building process or quality link building process , this strategy is then being followed by SEO specialist to improve the ranking.
Let me explain you more clearly – Suppose you have old website A and you created one more website which is just new(let us call it a child website ) and name it website B. Now when you get a back link from external source Website C for Website C but in-return your giving backlink to Website C via Website A . This whole linking phenomenon is called 3 Way Linking . It is definitely useful for sudden ranking of child websites which is pending approval from Google Sand box.
Note : Always remember , good SEO never allows any tricky nor any black type activities because Search Engine Optimization itself is famous for its quality works . Hence never go outside of this boundary with Black Hat SEO . Your client might push you for quick ranking or quick result but never cross it with wrong linking.
Google will penalize by following way :
- If your website is linked to un-relevant website i.e. a travel website should be linked with a travel site only and not other
- If your website is linked to a site which is linked with spam or non-relevant sites (porn websites) or bad sites , then also your site will be penalize heavily and the case may be your website will not appear in search result .
- Linking to quality and relevant sites gives your more value compare to linking with less PR value sites. Hence always cross check the Google Page Rank of the sites with which your site is going to link.
- Don’t under-estimate the power of Google bot 😀 they are more intelligent than you 😉
Follow Google Linking Guidelines always :
Before going for this linking , make sure you have sound concept of Search Engine Optimization and always take the help of a SEO Specialist. Hope this topic have cleared your linking concept.
In mine upcoming topic I will covered how to get rid of Black Hat Linking and safe your site from de-ranking 🙂
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