Content Marketing Strategy For B2B Lead Generation

B2B is otherwise known as Business-to-Business and is totally different from B2C which is otherwise known as Business-to-Customer.
Hope you have read my articles on B2B: B2B Marketers Should Not Avoid These 9 Interesting Facts
Here we are going to discuss what should be your content marketing strategy for B2B Lead Generation.
Ok.. now lets know more about what is this Lead Generation and how to develop my content marketing strategy for b2b lead generation ?
Lead Generation is a term mostly used in B2B Marketing where Lead is nothing but client.
Let say you have a shop of ice-cream then your clients are of two types :
- Common users – just like me, you, kids
- Organizations – shops, company, cinema etc.
When you sell your ice-cream to common users it is termed as B2C while selling ice-cream to organization is termed as B2B.
Hope you have now understood what is B2B and now also you have understood the nature and value of this two type of clients.
Now coming to our main topic for developing effective content marketing strategy for generating leads for B2B.
If you wants to know who and how to find my audience. Then you must go through this :
What is the best way for identifying target audience
Before jumping into the final content marketing strategy, let me share you very important list which will help you categorize and develop best content marketing strategy around it. Is not this good to know ? Of course because this is the first step to pull out the fog surround your content marketing strategy.
Types of B2B Lead Generation :
- Generating Subscriptions for business
- Collecting and selling emails to business
- Selling Products to an Organization
- Conducting Product Demo with Business Partners
- Company providing services for a company
During my B2B projects, I got opportunity in developing and growing two popular products and this two products were purely from Analytical Industry. They are :
- Social Media Analytical Product
- Employee Productive Growth Product
My clients main requirement were : To generate leads for the product along with brand building process.
Remember : Your strategy becomes most challenging when you start with newly developed product because of below difficulties :
- Product Is New : Your product is new in the market
- High competition with existing top brand products – You are target audience who are already connected with existing brand and you wants to drive that audience for your product.
- Resource Availability : Challenges for hiring resources with good budget – Its not right to put every budget without proper planning
- Where To Begin : Website setup, content development, social media marketing strategy, product demo landing page design, target audience selection, Paid campaign strategy, Brand building etc.
Now you have surely come to right track where you now have well understood what possible areas you can target to list in your content strategy for your B2B lead generation campaigns.
Let me now list out the important factors which you must include in your B2B Lead Generation Content Strategy
Product Understanding
This is the first and most important phase which helps in developing strong content marketing strategy for your B2B Campaign. Product Understanding is where you and your team gets and acquire strong knowledge about the product and its other features.
Before making any sharing any statement or promotional content of a product, its must you to have personal experience as user.
Target Audience Selection
Target selection …hmm.. looks very difficult isn’t it ..well don’t get panic, let me help you in this. Even though you have now understood your product functionalities and its unique selling point, your content strategy totally depend audience.
If you wants to know who is your right audience and now to find it, go through this useful article :
What Is PCF or Prospective Client Finding ?
Do you Target selection should also be categorized based on below parameters :
- Age group
- Education
- Title
- Location
- Availability space
- Position
Product USP ( Unique Selling Point )
Believe me during my initial stage, I was not part of this because I had a feeling a digital marketing expert never part of discussing such business point because this is the job of sales team. But hold on… if you don’t know the exact reason what is the unique selling point of your product how can you convince your target audience to enjoy its service.
Hence your content strategy should also mentioned why and how you can sell your product to your audience.
Platform Selection
It is very important to know which platform is best to start and focus once you have the complete and well understanding of your target audience.
Remember : You should never start blindly without knowing your audience. It is good to have presence in maximum areas but having existing only in those areas where your audience exists as it helps save money and time.
Possible platforms can be :
- Social Media Platform – Again select the right social platform
- email Marketing
- Conducting Product demo sessions via webinars
- Website
- PPC : Google Ads, Social Media Paid Campaigns
- Video Marketing
Website Set-Up
Internet is an easiest way to describe product features and why it is important for your audience to hire it. Website helps and increase your product popularity.
Product Demo Page Set-up
Website development is not going to help you in single shot for building product sales. You need to create a section where your product is available and audience must register before final purchase. This is called Product Landing Page and serves the main path for converting visitors into sales and later they get convert your main clients.
Samples of Product Demo Pages let me share you below
Competitive Analysis
Conducting competitors analysis and gathering information what your competitors are processing for generating business for their products is good and must be done time to time.
Having track on the competitors helps you to keep your strategy focus and improve your campaigns which makes easy for your B2B Lead Generation campaign.
Reference Sites :
Hope you have got a good and advance ideas for generating your content marketing strategy for your b2b campaigns and may be you have done something differently !!!
Well I will be very happy to have your inputs and getting shared with all of us here.
In case you would like to have deep understanding for your campaign promotion strategy do make :