Facebook & Instagram 2019 Predictions Is Out : Story Telling Video, Engagement and Influencer Marketing Will Be Important Area To Focus

2019 is going to start with new energy and each business is all set to focus “Social Media Next “ What should be 2019 digital marketing strategy and what should be 2019 social media strategy “
In this article we are going to go through Facebook and Instagram 2019 Predictions which we received.
Facebook founder Mark has announces their platform is more dedicated to improved, maintain and benefits users because Facebook and its other products cannot think to survive without users engagement.
Therefore to add more spike to the growth, Facebook and its team have been rolling out many changes to their existing and adding up more new features to Fan pages, profiles, and communities, giving users more extra authority to control and grow their platforms.
Social Media 2019 Trends will see “ Facebook & Instagram Stories as the main key player and every business and brands must focus it to drive successful campaigns and build strong bonding with its users.
Stories is seeing more engagement level compared to regular updates by fan pages and groups.
How to improve your Facebook Engagement ?
1.Stories :
- Micro content
- Micro Engagement eg tracking things via phone notification, questions idtv, direct message etc )
2.Videos : Facebook Watch/Video, vertical video ( mostly in Instagram because 90% Facebook users uses Facebook app)
- Messenger Chat-bots ( soon to come in Instagram ) – Messenger bot should consists : segmentation is must and most important to have, it should do non-promotional
- Niche Communities Groups (niche) will be more useful to connect and make us. Always try to maintain meaningful engagements
- Influencer Marketing : Either one should look for influencers, work with influencer agencies, or try to work as influencer. One can use this to create a portfolio https://www.facebook.com/collabsmanager/start
- Live Video has been recommended highly. It get the best attention and retention, while doing Facebook video live or broadcasting one should know there are 4 categories in which they can create and broadcast videos and these 4 categories are
- Short Form Video => 5-15 seconds ( ads, animation, verticals stories etc )
ii Long form=> 3-5 min long form video should be included into your facebook and instagram strategy.
iii.Episodic Video => 18-22 min eg. FB watch, Red Table Talk,
iv.Facebook Live => 20 min -1 hr+ Remember you can go upto 4 hr while doing Live Videos.
FB Live video tips : Video has to be engaging one and generate meaningful ], facebook stories have more views than regular video post views, checkout buffer podcast for good topics.
Save this list and add to your current social media strategy, facebook marketing strategy 2019 and improve your campaign performance along with brand value.
Remember “Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.” – Philip Kotler
If you have something relevant and interesting to this topic do share with me and let us know something you can add value to this topic. Thanks for going through this important topic and don’t forget to share it with your digital marketing teams.
You can also watch out what my influencer Mari Smith has to say about Facebook & Instagram 2019 Prediction and What To Focus ?
Facebook & Instagram 2019 Predictions — what should marketers focus on?
Posted by Mari Smith on Wednesday, December 19, 2018